20 minute workout you can do at home!

20 Minute HIIT at Home Workout

We've put together a 20 minute workout you can do from home. You don't need any equipment, and whether you are a beginner or HIIT pro, you can give this workout a go, just pop your workout leggings on & let's get started.

5 Exercises, 5 Rounds - 40 secs on & 20 secs rest!

This workout focuses on 5 core exercises: Squats, Push Ups, Reverse Lunges, Crunches & Plank.

Exercise 1. Squat

Weight in your heels, don't let your knees fall inwards. Tight core & try to maintain a tall spine.

40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest

Exercise 2. Push Ups

Need to modify? Bring your knees down to the floor, lower your chest to a 90 degree bend in elbows. 

40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest

Exercise 3. Reverse Lunges

We prefer reverse lunges as they put less stress on your knees. As you progress, aim to get your back knee an inch or two from the ground. Keep your back straight and chest high.

40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest

Exercise 4. Crunches

Knees bent, feet flat and keep your hips and knees aligned. 

40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest

Exercise 5. Plank

Keep your back flat, no bums in the air & don't forget to breathe!

40 seconds on / 20 seconds rest

You've finished one round, repeat again 5 times!


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